We offer same day appointments. Germantown location availability is on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Wheaton location availability is on Tuesdays and Fridays.
What to Bring to your Medical Examination
Photo ID (ex. Drivers license/State ID/ Passport)
Health Insurance Card (for lab purposes)
USCIS A# (if applicable)
Any Vaccination Record (translation of documents if not in English)
If you do not speak English please bring a translator (translation services available for Spanish, Hindi, and Gujarati)
What to Expect at your Appointment
Arrive 10 minutes early to complete paperwork.
Lab services are available via Quest Diagnostics at each location. (fasting not required)
For patients with Insurance, we urge you to get vaccinations in a timely manner to avoid delaying the process/completion of form.
You will be assigned an immigration coordinator that will assist you in the process.
Forms Needed
Medical History Form (available in English/Spanish)
Finalization of USCIS form will take 7-10 business days. Processes may be delayed if you do not provide the necessary requirements. The applicant is required to review and sign the form prior to sealing. Do not open the sealed envelope. A copy of the I-693 exam will be provided for your records.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I already have past COVID-19 vaccines?
CDC requires to get the most up to date COVID-19 Vaccine 2023-2024 (started May 2024)
What if I cannot find my vaccine record, do I have to get all vaccines?
No, we will confirm blood titers for all adults who do not have records available.
Is a chest x-ray necessary for the USCIS exam?
No, only patients who test positive on the Tuberculosis test must do chest x-ray. We will refer patients to the radiology facility.
What happens if I lose my USCIS sealed envelope?
We can provide a second original sealed copy for an additional price of $75.